Thursday, December 21, 2006


...some people are confused.

See, the thing is that New Year's Eve sucks. I challenge you to disprove that statement. Everything about it sucks: the hype, the stupid ball, Dick Clark, the over-planned open bar parties that cost $150 and yet are impossible to get drunk at, the terrible melancholy sex with that one ugly-but-now-somewhat-hopeful friend, the whole deal.

Well, fuck that. Hence, WLD. Smash the system, people. Smash it with finesse.

1 comment:

greatcait said...

I understand the need to demolish New Year's Eve in order to enhance the enthusiasm for WLD. But please. Please. NYE 1999 was the night I realize the joy of tiny plastic trumpets, one of the few things in the world that expels dual-tones while being blown. Little else in this world has brought me such extreme joy, although Stryker's leather pants and Nilay's torso-length happy trail come close.

So please do not belittle NYE. Rather, let's use WLD as l'apéritif, a way to clense ourselves with monsters truck before the end of 2006. And find some plastic trumpets. That is all.